The Most Important Electrical Upgrades To Include During Your Home’s Remodel

It’s easy to get excited about a kitchen remodel, bathroom upgrade, or other home improvement project you’ve been dreaming about since you moved into your home. There’s nothing more satisfying than when the stars align for your project — whether you finally have enough saved or your schedule with work is a little less hectic — and you get to make your vision a reality.

It’s thrilling to test out paint samples and select the perfect backsplash. But have you considered the not-so-exciting things that might need attention during your remodel, such as a home electrical upgrade?

In the majority of instances, if your home is due for a face-lift, whether a remodeled kitchen or bathroom, it’s likely that you’ll also need to pay attention to the interior of your home and remodel electrical wiring. There are common electrical issues that every homeowner should know, but not everyone is aware of what should be prioritized during a remodel. Here are some of the most important considerations when upgrading electrical wiring during your home’s remodel.

Why You Should Upgrade Your Electrical During a Remodel

It’s easy to see the wear and tear on your kitchen cabinets or the way your carpet is worn down in the living room and needs replacing. And anyone can spot outdated bathroom detailing and decide it’s time for a change. What’s harder to notice, but far more important is the wear and tear your electrical system is experiencing behind walls.

Depending on when you last had any upgrades, now could be the perfect time to remodel your electrical. Demands on your home’s electrical circuit have only increased since initial installation as technology has become more sophisticated, thus requiring more power. 

Not only that, but fire and building codes have evolved over time, meaning an upgrade might be necessary to keep up with recommended safety codes. Lastly, while not all electrical issues threaten the safety of your family, some are bothersome or inconvenient.

Since a lot of electrical work is hidden behind walls, you can save time and money by doing your home’s electrical upgrade during your remodeling project. The additional cost to update the electrical systems in your house will likely be paid back as your home grows in value — especially if you’re able to make more significant and comprehensive updates. You’ll get bonus points for great energy efficiency as well!

So, before you put all your energy into purchasing new appliances, upgrading your faucets, and installing new light fixtures, make sure to leave room in your budget for electrical upgrades. This will ensure your home’s electrical system is safe, efficient, and properly maintained.

Types of Home Electrical Upgrades

Inspect Your Wiring

Did you know that typical electrical wiring in homes is designed to last about 35 years? If you own a home that’s older than that, or that’s approaching this age, it might be time to replace your wiring. If your wiring isn’t up to code, not only would you be unable to sell your home without first upgrading the electrical wiring, but it also poses a serious risk to you and anyone living in the home.

Old wiring isn’t designed to accommodate the power needs of modern electronics, such as high-tech appliances, gaming technology, or even a powerful blow dryer. This poses a serious fire hazard since the wires are being stressed beyond their means. By upgrading electrical wiring, you’ll increase your home’s value while also ensuring your home is safe from wiring-related fires.

Test Your Circuit Breaker

Having an outdated circuit breaker presents a similar issue as having old wiring. An outdated circuit breaker isn’t capable of handling the load requirements of modern electrical pressures. High-powered HVAC systems, modern appliances, and other large electronics could cause the breaker to trip. If you want to protect your electronics from being damaged by this, you will have to upgrade your circuit breaker. But don’t try to handle this task alone — an expert licensed electrician should be called in for this type of job.

Install some GFCIs

GFCIs (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters) are specifically designed to shut off the electricity if the outlet attached makes contact with water or some other type of moisture. If an outlet is close to water or part of the home’s plumbing system, it’s at risk of causing electrical shock, injury, or even death to a nearby person.

Installing a GFCI will protect you and your family by having an automatic shut-off whenever moisture is introduced. Additionally, this type of outlet will help you meet (or even potentially exceed) any residential building codes. Any outlet that’s near moisture should have a GFCI, so double check yours and be sure they’re all safe.

Cost of Upgrading the Electrical in Your Home

Doing a big electrical upgrade isn’t going to be a cheap investment. However, when it comes to the value and safety of your home, it will more than pay off. The cost to update electrical in your house will vary widely depending on the size of the job and the extent of the upgrade. Be sure to talk with a licensed electrician to get a quote for your particular job.

Ready to Get Your Home Electrical Upgrade Started?

A home remodel is the perfect time to make some upgrades to your home’s electrical wiring for additional energy-efficiency! Although these upgrades might cost a bit more now, they’ll end up saving you money in the long run. Ready to make your home greener? Get in touch with the electricians at John C. Flood to discuss your remodeling project today. Call us at (703) 214-5611 or contact us online.

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