How To Be More Energy-Efficient While Doing Laundry

As a homeowner, you likely do laundry multiple times a day. This is especially true if you have young children, as they have a tendency to get their clothes as messy as possible in a short amount of time. All of this washing and drying will not only take its toll on your home’s plumbing system, but it will also drive up how much power and energy your household consumes.

That is why you should look for different ways in which you can be smarter and more efficient about how you do laundry. Making necessary changes will help you preserve your plumbing system, so there is much less of a chance that something will go wrong that will require the services of a professional DC plumber. Being energy-efficient can make your entire life easier.

While there are many areas in which you can improve the energy and power consumption of your home, it is best if you start off with the laundry. The washing machine and dryer are used frequently throughout the day, so they are responsible for a lot of the wear and tear on your plumbing system. By following a few simple instructions, you will be able to go green in no time!

The first thing you should do is make sure that you only wash loads of laundry when the machine is full, but be careful not to cram in too many items. The appliance is going to use the same amount of energy no matter what, so not having enough clothes in will be a waste. But, if you do overfill it, the machine can shake and cause damage to the inner tub as well as the pipes and houses in back.

You should also be sure that you only wash clothes with cold water. This will clean your items the same amount and produce the results that you want, but you won’t have to worry about the machine using up energy to heat up the water. If you currently only use water that is warm or hot, you should change this habit right away.

In order to keep your washing machine and dryer in the best possible shape, you should inspect the hoses and pipes in the back of the appliances at least once a month. You should always be on the lookout for leaks or tears, because those can lead to real issues down the road. By staying on top of this and finding out if there is an issue, you can deal with the repair or replacement right away before the machine breaks down entirely.

Also, be cognizant of the age of the appliance itself. If the machine is over a decade old, chances are it is not running as efficiently as it could be, which will take a toll on your plumbing. Check to see what the age of the washer and dryer actually is, and consider whether or not a replacement is the right decision for you.

If you are dealing with a plumbing issue that you cannot take care of on your own, be sure to schedule an appointment with a plumber from John C. Flood today! Take a look at the rest of our website to learn more about all of the different high-quality services that we offer. Don’t wait until disaster strikes to have your plumbing system inspected and repaired where necessary. Call us today at 703-214-5611!

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